14 Weeks Tomorrow...

So, I'm 14 weeks tomorrow.  I've been a little paranoid lately, especially yesterday, when I felt distinctly "un-pregnant".  Kris says I will have plenty of days later when I will feel plenty pregnant, but it's disconcerting to feel un-pregnant, and your reflection in the mirror all of a sudden has a smaller bump.  (it's like something has deflated...)  I also had very minor, dull ache in my right kidney area this morning when I woke up, so I've been trying to drink plenty of water.  I secretly wanted to call the doctor today because of it (darn the pain, it went away), thinking maybe if I went in today I would be able to hear the heartbeat of Baby V.  But I resisted the urge.  Now I have about a week of waiting till I can be sure that the baby is okay.

Books Re-Run

Kris and I always wonder HOW in the world we get along so well together.  From the very beginning, we seemed to be two totally different people, with completely opposite personalities...  We are the living proof that opposites really do attract.  And get along.  And get married, and still be in love almost 5 years into the marriage. :D

Cloth Diapers, Disposable Diapers, Cute Diapers... Diapers!

So I was browsing the Bump boards today, and came across a diaper question.  Can't remember what it was, exactly, but I got curious so I went and looked it up.  I know my best friend, Dana, was wanting to cloth diaper but ended up using disposables.  I didn't ever think I wanted to cloth diaper - what a pain!

Ju at 12 Weeks

So, picture day was suppose to be 2 days ago (Saturday) however that didn't happen, so we made today picture day.  I really do enjoy picture day, though I'm not that big of a photographic enthusiast.  I think I find a camera to be a fickle piece of technology that will never reproduce the same results twice, but I try my best and this is what we've got!

Blog, Baked Ziti, and Grapes

Okay, my wonderful hubby put up this blog for us, so I thought I'd chip in. :D  I've been sharing my pregnancy stories/news with the Bump members, and now that I have my own blog, I thought I'd record some of my journey here.

First Blog

I've been wanting a place to call my own for a while now.  Blogging is one of those things I firmly believe you should really own for yourself, and so I've put off blogging about anything personal until I could get my own site going.  Of course this has the side effect of "never happening" because let's face it, I'm too busy.  However with the proposition of a new baby coming into my life shortly it seemed more important than ever that Ju and I have a place to blog about what's really going on in our lives.