
Seeing Circles Kris Vanderwater 23 April 2009

Well, today was technically my second official day back in the office.  I moved out quite some time ago now due to a number of different factors.  Home just became a better environment in which to get things done.  However, the demands on my time at the office have become greater and greater, and it just seemed impractical to stay at home any longer.  I'm back in the room with "the guys" by which I mean the development team.  I haven't been in the same room as them in probably 2+ years.  It's a nice change of pace being around people to get work done.  Even when I was in the office I wasn't really near other developers and I'm enjoying it.

The Dyson Story

So, I've wanted a Dyson vacuum cleaner for a very long time now.  The things is that they're just rather expensive, and I haven't felt like we could spring for that sort of an investment.  It's funny how your priorities change when you know there's going to be a little child crawling around on the floor with all the cat hair and only God knows what else.  Add to this the fact that we had sorta killed our previous vacuum (more on this later) and well... we were due a new one.

First Blog

I've been wanting a place to call my own for a while now.  Blogging is one of those things I firmly believe you should really own for yourself, and so I've put off blogging about anything personal until I could get my own site going.  Of course this has the side effect of "never happening" because let's face it, I'm too busy.  However with the proposition of a new baby coming into my life shortly it seemed more important than ever that Ju and I have a place to blog about what's really going on in our lives.