

Aftermath:  Hence; that which happens after, that which follows. Has a strongly negative connotation in most contexts, implying a preceding catastrophe.


Alaise is 1 week old.  It's pretty unreal.  As I watch her sleep next to me (although, it took 2 hours of trying to figure out whether she wanted more food or what it was she wanted!), I can't believe she's been mine for a whole week.  My husband, who has been absolutely wonderful through this whole experience, asked me today, "How's motherhood?

I think motherhood hasn't really hit me yet.  I feed her and take care of her, but to be 100% honest, I haven't had the "How did I live without you?" or "I've been waiting for you my whole life!" kind of emotion that others say they feel.  I expected to be a changed/different person, but I'm still me, and I don't feel any different, except for the love for this little person.  Maybe things just haven't hit me yet?  I dunno.