29 1/2 weeks

Yep, falling behind again.  Although, last week, it wasn't because there wasn't anything significant.  I've been...  anxious, stressed, and nervous for about a whole week now.  Went to the Doctor last Wednesday to get checked up, and she wanted to make sure to do some physical tests just in case Kris and I were going to Paris for DrupalCon.

"Oh my."  Is what she said.  "Uh-oh", is what went through my head then.  Oh my just can't be good when she's down there, feeling my parts.  As it turns out, it wasn't good - I was 1 cm dilated already, and my cervix was 25% thinner ("effaced" I think).  She said definitely "no" to Paris at this point, and was even considering putting me on bed rest, with medication.  She thinks when I had Braxton Hicks all day long, it may have dilated me.  So next time I have more than 5-6 an hour, I'm to run to the hospital to get checked out.  And she probably will start me on medication...  Brethine, which apparently makes you miserable, and progesterone shots.

Then she went on to talk about how it was just way to early to have this baby, and at 34 weeks, long term complications were almost non-existent, so I had to stay pregnant for at least 6 more weeks.  Oh why, did this have to be one of the two appointments that Kris didn't come with me to??  At this point, I'm almost to a point of sheer panic...  She wanted me to take it easy, no long walking, shopping, or exercising.

So, no Paris for me.  And Kris has decided that he's not going without me either.  I don't know how serious this is, I looked it up on the internet and it doesn't seem too uncommon, girls being dilated early.  But since you just don't know what may trigger preterm labor...  He wants to be safe than sorry.

Then this past weekend was DrupalCamp Dallas, and since we had been planning on that for a while already, we decided to just go.  Dallas isn't too far, and since I haven't had bad BH in a while, hopefully it won't happen there.  Wrong.  All day Saturday, I had contractions.  Just couldn't believe it.  All freakin' day.  And since I didn't want to go to the hospital in Dallas, I just trudged through it, and bought some earrings and necklaces and shoes at Sam Moon's.  Minor distractions. :D  Anyway.  By Saturday night, my nerves were fried.  (we also went to see HMS Pinnafore.)  Especially since Kris wasn't with me all day, I was a wreck...  I realize how crucial his support is for me every step of the way.

Sunday, it got better.  So we came back home, called the doctor, the nurse told me that if it happened again, I was to go to the hospital.  What I really wanted to hear from her was to come in to make sure I hadn't dilated even more...  But she didn't.  Which made me really really unhappy.  (I really like the nurse, Maggie, but she's not much of a help when I call with a problem...)  I needed the reassurance that I hadn't dilated more...  So Monday was hard.

All that to say, we're really praying that Baby V stays put.  For at least 6 more weeks, if not longer.  Really.

How far along?  29 1/2 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  I'll find out next week - but prolly close to 25lbs at this point.
Maternity clothes?  Yep.
Stretch marks?  I dunno.  I don't look.
Sleep:  Pretty good.  I fall asleep super quick, and I sleep really deep when I do sleep.  But I do wake up pretty often.  Twice a night, I go pee religiously.  And every morning, when I wake up around 3am and 5:30am, I am STARVING.
Best moment this week:  Well, this week hasn't been so good.  But a big deal closed in the business, which is fantastic.
Movement:  Every day, and I take extra comfort in that these days.  Baby's big enough that my whole stomach moves.
Food cravings:  Some protein cravings.  Apples tonight, which I haven't eaten much of during the pregnancy.  (I used to eat apples A LOT.)  Long John Silver's.
Gender:  Not sure / not telling. :)
Labor Signs:  Braxton Hicks.  Which really scares me now.
Belly Button in or out? I have to say, it's...  flat.
What I miss:  Not being afraid for a tiny human being.
What I am looking forward to:  Doctor's appt next Thursday.
Weekly Wisdom:  Healthy baby is all you should ever ask for.
Milestones:  Third trimester last week!

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